Turkish validity and reliability of the Haptotherapeutic Well‑Being Scale
Haptotherapy fosters a sense of unity between the body, mind, and emotions. In addition, it contributes to expanding the woman’s perception of her pregnancy and developing a more positive attitude towards pregnancy and childbirth. The study aims to examine the Turkish validity and reliability of the Haptotherapeutic Well-Being Scale, which will be used to evaluate the well-being levels of haptonomy and haptotherapy practices in women.
The study was methodological type.
The study conducted between October 20 and December 20, 2023, with 242 women who volunteered to participate by sharing forum pages on social media (Facebook, Instagram) via the web. Data were collected using a personal information form, including sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics and the Haptotherapeutic
Well-Being Scale.
The Haptotherapeutic Well-Being Scale consists of 14 items and five sub-dimensions. In confirmatory factor analysis, all path coefficients were statistically significant (p < 0.001). The overall Cronbach’s Alpha and sub-dimension values of the scale are above 0.90. There is a positive and very strong correlation between all sub-dimensions
of the scale (p < 0.001).
The Haptotherapeutic Well-Being Scale was found to be valid and reliable for the Turkish sample.
Trials registration https://clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT06467188; registered June 14, 2024.
Keywords Women, Haptonomy, Haptotherapeutic, Scale, Reliability, Validity
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Publication date:August 30, 2024
Published by:BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies