The clinical effectiveness of haptotherapy in routine practices
03 February 2013 | Research 2013 |
Bosscher R., Leeuwen A. van, Pluimers C.
Keywords| effectiveness| evidence| first line clinical practices| Haptotherapy| IJHH
Despite the widespread application of haptotherapy in The Netherlands, there is a lack of evidence regarding its effectiveness. The aim of this study was to further explore its effect in a convenience sample of clients from first line clinical practices.
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Volume 1
No. 2
Publication date:February 3, 2013
How to cite (apa)
Bosscher, R., van Leeuwen, A., & Pluimers, C. (2013). The clinical effectiveness of haptotherapy in routine practices. In International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy (Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 7-8).
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