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Impaired ability to feel in cases of pelvic floor issues: two case descriptions of haptotherapy treatment

18 May 2023 | Case Descriptions |

Klabbers G. A., et al.
Keywords| affective touch| Body experience| Body image| cancer| Haptotherapy| IJHH| Mind-body therapy


The objective of this article is to provide insight into the therapeutic possibilities of haptotherapy in case of pelvic floor problems. Haptotherapy and the concept of ‘an impaired ability to feel’ are explained, followed by two case descriptions. The authors conclude that haptotherapy can be a valuable additional therapy for patients with an impaired ability to feel in case of pelvic floor problems and that further research is desirable to scientifically confirm its positive effect.

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Volume 11

No. 1
  • Publication date:
    May 18, 2023
  • Volume:
  • No.:
  • Page:
How to cite (apa)
Klabbers, G. A., Bouwman, P. M., Dekker, M., Hagg, W., Harte-Sluman, R. R., Spil, C., & de Vos, R. H. (2023). Impaired ability to feel in cases of pelvic floor issues: two case descriptions of haptotherapy treatment. In International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy (Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp. 1-8).
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