IASAT Conference 2019: an impression
an impression
05 December 2019 | Congress Reports |Congress Reports 2019 |
Swaay A. M. van
Keywords| Haptotherapy| IASAT conference 2019| IJHH| International Association for the Study of Affective Touch
IASAT is the International Association for the Study of Affective Touch, founded in 2015. September 11 –13, 2019, the third international conference was held in Linköping, Sweden. Participants came from, among others, Sweden, Germany, Russia, Great Britain, France, Canada, USA, Australia, and – last but not least – The Netherlands

Volume 7
No. 3
Publication date:December 5, 2019
How to cite (apa)
van Swaay, A. (2019). IASAT Conference 2019: an impression. In International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy (Vol. 7, Issue 3, pp. 1). https://doi.org/10.61370/udhp4793
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