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Haptotherapy as a new intervention for treating fear of childbirth: a randomized controlled trial

20 November 2017 | External Links 2017 |Research 2017 |

Klabbers G. A., Wijma K., Paarlberg K. M., Emons W. H. M., Vingerhoets A. J. J. M.
Published by Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology
Keywords| birth| fear of childbirth| Haptotherapy| IJHH| pregnant women| treatment



To evaluate the effect of haptotherapy on severe fear of childbirth in pregnant women.


Randomized controlled trial.


Community midwifery practices and a teaching hospital in the Netherlands. Population or Sample: Primi- and multigravida, suffering from severe fear of childbirth (N = 134). Methods: Haptotherapy, psycho-education via Internet and care as usual were randomly assigned at 20-24 weeks of gestation and the effects were compared at 36 weeks of gestation and 6 weeks and 6 months postpartum. Repeated measurements ANOVA were carried out on the basis of intention to treat. Since there were crossovers from psycho-education via Internet and care as usual to haptotherapy, the analysis was repeated according to the as treated principle.

Main Outcome Measures:

Fear of childbirth score at the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire. Results: In the intention to treat analysis, only the haptotherapy group showed a significant decrease of fear of childbirth, F(2,99) = 3.321, p = .040. In the as treated analysis, the haptotherapy group showed a greater reduction in fear of childbirth than the other two groups, F(3,83) = 6.717, p < .001.


Haptotherapy appears to be more effective in reducing fear of childbirth than psycho-education via Internet and care as usual.

  • Publication date:
    November 20, 2017
  • Published by:
    Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology
How to cite (apa)
Klabbers, G. A., Wijma, K., Paarlberg, K. M., Emons, W. H. M., & Vingerhoets, A. J. J. M. (2017). Haptotherapy as a new intervention for treating fear of childbirth: a randomized controlled trial. In Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology (Vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 38-47). Informa UK Limited.
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