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Haptonomy and resilience: A literature overview

20 December 2018 | Review 2018 |

Elbers E., Duyndam J.
Keywords| affectivity| haptonomy| IJHH| organizations| resilience| touch


This article aims primarily at understanding the role of the human body and embodied experiences in organizations, particularly from a haptonomic perspective. Secondary, the aim is to generate new insights into organizational relations that might positively influence resilience and put these insights into practice. To that end, this paper reports our search, selection, and discussion of the recent academic literature on resilience and haptonomy. Today, the notion of resilience is wide-spread in a range of academic disciplines, among which psychology, humanities and organizational sciences.

Predominantly seen as a personal capacity or trait, resilience can also be understood from a relational perspective, i.e. as the result of cultural, social or ecological processes. This relational perspective is also at the very foundations of haptonomy. Therefore, this article investigates to what extent and how the relational and affective perspective of haptonomy may positively influence the way people in organizations deal with adverse circumstanc

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Volume 6

No. 3
  • Publication date:
    December 20, 2018
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How to cite (apa)
Elbers, E., & Duyndam, J. (2018). Haptonomy and resilience: A literature overview. In International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy (Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 15-25).
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