Clinical reasoning in Haptotherapy: Use of the SCEBS and Questions about Affectivity
The website of the International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy (IJHH) lists thirty-two papers (IJHH, 2013-2023), including various case descriptions, a review, some vision articles and several research articles. The research papers report the use of more than twenty different validated questionnaires, such as the Haptotherapeutic Well-being Scale (HWS) (Klabbers & Hagg, 2021; Klabbers & Vingerhoets, 2022) and the Four-Dimensional Symptoms Questionnaire (4DSQ) (Terluin, Marwijk, Adèr, et al., 2006). Anamnesis, however, is only mentioned once in one article – without any further explanation (Klabbers, Wijma, Paarlberg, Emons & Vingerhoets, 2014). Nevertheless, the anamnesis is an essential part of haptotherapy. With this letter to the editors of the IJHH, I would like to draw attention to the anamnesis in haptotherapy and call on colleagues to write and publish about it. A plea is also made for the use of the SCEBS model, which is explained below, and for extending this model with some specific questions regarding affectivity.
- Hoedeman, R., Wijers, J. H. L., Beek, E. J. van der, Koppele, A. te (2006). Toepassing van het SCEGS-model in de begeleiding van somatiserende werknemers. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde. 14: p. 441-444.
- IJHH (2013-2023). International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy. Available via:
- Klabbers, G. A. (2013). Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ) in the Primary Healthcare Practice of Therapists. International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy. 1, 1-16.
- Klabbers, G. A. (2020). Impaired ability to feel: indication for haptotherapy. International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy. 3, 12-14.
- Klabbers, G. A., Bouwman, P. M., Dekker, M., Hagg, J. W., Harte-Sluman, R. R., Spil, C., & de Vos, R. H. (2023). Impaired ability to feel in cases of pelvic floor issues: two case descriptions of haptotherapy treatment. International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy. 1: p. 1-8.
- Klabbers, G. A., Hagg, J. W. (2021). Haptotherapeutische Welbevinden Schaal (HWS). Digital Dutch version; available via:
- Klabbers, G. A., Vingerhoets A. J. J. M. (2021). Satisfaction and specific and non-specific therapy factors: haptotherapy from a patient perspective. International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy. 3: p. 20-29.
- Klabbers, G. A., Vingerhoets, A. J. J. M. (2022). Measuring patient well-being: an exploratory study of the Haptotherapeutic Well-being Scale (HWS). International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy. 1: p. 1-7.
- Klabbers, G. A., Wijma, K., Paarlberg, K. M., Emons, W. H. M., & Vingerhoets, A. J. J. M. (2014). Treatment of severe fear of childbirth with haptotherapy, a multicentre randomized controlled trial. BMC, Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 14, p. 1-10.
- Plooij, E. (2005). Haptotherapie, Praktijk en theorie, Amsterdam, the Nederlands:
- Harcourt.Terluin, B., Marwijk, H. W. van, Adèr, H. J., Vet, H. C. de, Penninx, B. W., Hermens, M. L., Boeijen C. A. van, Balkom A. J. L. M. van, Klink J. J. L. van der & Stalman, W. A. (2006). The Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ): a validation study of a multidimensional self-report questionnaire to assess distress, depression, anxiety, and somatization. BMC Psychiatry, 6(1), 1-20.
- Veldman, F. (2007). Levenslust en Levenskunst. Zin, inhoud en betekenisverlening aan het persoonlijk leven binnen de menselijke samenleving. Van der Veer Media.
- VVH (2023). Vereniging van Haptotherapeuten. Available via:
Volume 11
Publication date:July 18, 2023