Analyses of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures after an average of six sessions of Haptotherapy in approximately three months
Background: This study aimed to determine whether patient-reported outcome measures after an average of six sessions of haptotherapy in approximately three months differ per indication for patients’ five most frequent self-reported indications.
Method: From 1 April 2023 to 1 April 2024, 72 healthcare haptotherapists invited new patients aged 18 years or older to participate in this research. Participants completed a digital questionnaire at home, once at the start of the therapy and once three months after the beginning. The digital questionnaire comprised sociodemographic questions, the Haptotherapeutic Well-being Questionnaire, the Scale of Body Connection, the Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire, and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale.
Results: The first questionnaire was completed by 772 patients, of which 550 were included and categorized into five groups, which were compiled based on the five most frequent self-reported indications for haptotherapy. These indications were (1) stress- or tension-related complaints or burnout complaints (33.9%), (2) request for help concerning personal development (14.5%), (3) fear complaints (8.7%), (4) persistent physical complaints (7.5%) and (5) traumatic experiences (6.6%). Of the patients in the five most frequent self-reported indications groups who completed the first questionnaire before the start of the therapy, 329 (59.8%) completed the second questionnaire after three months of therapy and these were used for analysis. There were no significant differences between the five indication groups concerning the mean T1-T2 sum scores of well-being, body awareness, distress, depression, fear and somatization.
Conclusion: The trend in all indication groups was the same: after an average of six sessions of haptotherapy in approximately three months, participants experienced a statistically significant and clinically relevant increase in well-being and body awareness and reduction of mental health complaints. To confirm this trend, it is necessary to conduct adequate haptotherapy-evaluation research with a long-term follow-up.
Keywords: Haptotherapy, Indications for Haptotherapy, Patient Reported Outcome Measures, PROMs.
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Volume 12
Publication date:September 15, 2024