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I. Submission

The International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy (IJHH) is a scientific independent peer-reviewed multidisciplinary open-access e-journal, published in cooperation with the Scientific Council of the Association of Haptotherapists in the Netherlands. It welcomes original scientific empirical manuscripts, and reviews on theories and practices of haptonomy and particularly haptotherapy. The manuscripts should be electronically submitted to

II. Peer review policy

The IJHH welcomes manuscripts on original empirical studies, interventions, reviews, case studies, manuscripts, pilot studies, questionnaire studies, reflective practice papers,  and on theories and practices in the wide range of haptonomy and haptotherapy. The editors make a preliminary evaluation of the papers and then select appropriate reviewers based on their qualifications. Subsequently, all contributions are subject to reviewing by scholars in relevant disciplines for a double blind review. Reviewing scholars are asked to send their evaluations, comments and suggestions for revision to the editor-in chief and the handling editor. Given the reviewers’ recommendations the editorial board makes a final decision about  rejection, major or minor revision or acceptance as it is.

III. Requirements for submissions

  • All manuscripts should be written in English (US spelling) double-spaced, using a standard font (Times New Roman) of 12 points (not smaller).
  • When a manuscript contains data that are part of a larger study, authors should describe this larger study.
  • Acknowledgments should be formal and as brief as possible and limited to recognizing individuals who have made specific important contributions to the work being reported.

IV. Structure of the manuscripts

  • The title of the manuscript should be accurate and fully explanatory. The title should reflect the content and population studied.
  • The title page should include the full mailing address, telephone, and email address for the corresponding author, along with the names and affiliations of all co-authors. This information will be masked to ensure a blind peer review process.  Authors should make sure that they do not include author information in the manuscript.
  • Excessive use of citations should be avoided.
  • Footnotes should be avoided
  • All research involving human participants should include approval of the research process by the relevant Institutional Review Boards and should describe consent procedures briefly in the Methods section.

Authors should incorporate a meaningful discussion of the clinical and/or practice implications of their work.

V. Submission of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted in according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). Review APA’s Checklist for Manuscript Submission (

Other formatting instructions, as well as instructions on preparing tables, figures, and references, appear in that Manual. Manuscripts not following these instructions will be sent to the authors for technical revision.

VI. Types of manuscripts

The IJHH differentiates between the following contributions, following their own structure:

1. Pilot and case studies
The structure needs to be:
(a) A summary with the clinical relevance, (b) An introduction with a description of the clinical problem and the reason why it needs to be described, (c) Client data, findings, treatment, course of treatment, (d) Conclusions and discussion.

2. Empirical studies
The following structure for manuscripts with quantitative or qualitative research is required: (a) abstract; (b) introduction; (c) materials and methods; (d) results; (e) discussion and conclusion; (f) references; (h) appendices if necessary.
Manuscripts  on a new scale or questionnaire should include their full description. Authors should make a convincing case for the need and the rationale for the new instrument. Included in this rationale should be the theoretical foundation of the new instrument along with the presentation of other related scales currently in use. The structure of the manuscript is the same as mentioned above.

3. Theoretical (phenomenologically) manuscripts:  we welcome articles about findings regarding the phenomena of the haptonomy.

4. Editorial: short note on the opinions or positions of the editors on major issues of haptonomy and haptotherapy or on an article published in the International Journal of Haptonomy and Haptotherapy.

5. Letter to the editor:  we welcome articles putting forward innovative points of view on topics in the field of haptonomy and haptotherapy.

6. Reflective practice: we welcome articles about exploring experiences in order to lead to a new understanding and appreciation of haptonomy and haptotherapy.

VII. References

List of references should be in alphabetical order. Each listed reference should be cited in the text, and each text citation should be listed in the References section.

The APA guidelines should be followed. Examples of basic reference formats can be found at the Sample Papers page at the APA website or check the Common Reference Example Guide:

Journal Article: 

Authored Book: 

Chapter in an Edited Book: 


VIII. Publication policy

Authors of accepted papers must obtain and provide to the editor on final acceptance all necessary permissions to reproduce in print and electronic form any copyrighted work, including test materials (or portions of it), photographs, and other graphic images.

Journal policy prohibits an author from submitting the same manuscript for concurrent consideration to another journal. Elsewhere published articles on haptonomy/haptotherapy will be referred in the archive of IJHH.

Clearly refer to previous publications in which results of the same study have been published and in forthcoming publications in which results of the same study will be published.

Submissions of translations of earlier published articles in Dutch language are acceptable.

IX. Ethical principles

It is a violation of ethical principles to publish as original data, data that have been previously published.  It is also a violation of ethical principles to use incorrect data or results or to present work of others as one’s own work so sources must be listed at all times.

Data files on which the manuscript is based have to be, if desired, available to third parties for verification of the presented results, provided that the anonymity of the participants in the research is adequately guaranteed.
Specifically, the journal expects authors to have their data available throughout the editorial review process and for at least 5 years after the date of publication.